
Reference for violentmonkey: Reference for greasymonkey api:


GmInfo = object
  uuid*: cstring
  scriptMetaStr*: cstring
  scriptWillUpdate*: bool
  scriptHandler*: cstring
  version*: cstring
  platform*: GmInfoPlatform
All data returned from
GmInfoArch = enum
  arm, mips, mips64, `x86 - 32`, `x86 - 64`
The possible architectures
GmInfoOs = enum
  android, cros, linux, mac, openbsd, win
The possible operating systems
GmInfoPlatform = object
  arch*: GmInfoArch
  browserName*: cstring
  browserVersion*: cstring
  os*: GmInfoOs
The information about the client platform


unsafeWindow: dom.Window
This object provides access to the raw JavaScript window scope of the content page. It is most commonly used to access JavaScript variables on the page.


GM: GmType


proc info(gm: GmType): GmInfo {...}{.importcpp.}
NOT WORKING Exposes this information (plus a bit more) to the user script.
proc getValue(gm: GmType; key, defaultValue: cstring): Future[cstring] {...}{.
    codegenDecl: "async function $2($3)", importcpp, importcpp.}
Retrieves stored values, see GM.setValue below.
proc setValue(gm: GmType; key, value: cstring): Future[void] {...}{.
    codegenDecl: "async function $2($3)", importcpp, importcpp.}
Permanently stores a value under a key, later available via GM.getValue.
proc deleteValue(gm: GmType; key: cstring): Future[void] {...}{.
    codegenDecl: "async function $2($3)", importcpp, importcpp.}
Deletes a value from chrome that was previously set.
proc listValues(gm: GmType): Future[seq[cstring]] {...}{.
    codegenDecl: "async function $2($3)", importcpp, importcpp.}
Retrieves an array of stored values' keys.
proc openInTab(gm: GmType; url: cstring; openInBackground = false) {...}{.importcpp.}
Opens a given URL in a new tab.
proc registerMenuCommand(gm: GmType; caption: cstring; commandFunc: Callable;
                         accessKey: cstring) {...}{.importcpp.}
Adds an item to the "User Script Commands" section of the Monkey Menu.
proc setClipboard(gm: GmType; text: cstring) {...}{.importcpp.}
Sets the contents of the clipboard.
proc notification(gm: GmType; text: cstring; title, image = "".cstring;
                  onclick, ondone: Callable = notification_placeholderCallback)
Opens a notification dialog.
proc xmlHttpRequest(gm: GmType; url, method: cstring; binary = false;
                    context = newJsObject(); data = "".cstring;
                    headers: openArray[(string, string)] = [];
                    overrideMimeType, user, password = "".cstring;
                    synchronous = false; timeout = 0; upload = newJsObject();
    onabort, onerror, onload, onprogress, onreadystatechange, ontimeout: GmHttpResponse = xmlHttpRequest_placeholderCallback)
A variant of XMLHttpRequest, this method allows skipping use the same-origin policy, enabling complex mashups.